Scholarship Application
Gather the following documents and save them as digital files. When saving the files, the filename should include the name of the applicant (i.e. JohnDoetranscripts.pdf) so they can be easily reviewed with your application.
Copy of High School transcripts
Copy of the Parent’s or Grandparent’s DD Form-214 (If applicable)
Copies of Awards or Honors and Community Service by the applicant.
One copy of the Institution Acceptance Letter (If Available)
Proof of family’s gross income. (Attach copy of Form 1040 to verify income)
One copy of the 500 word essay written by the applicant that answers the following question: “What Makes America Great”
Reference letters from friends, teachers and/or JROTC Leadership who know you well, excluding family members.
Please complete the form found below.
The application package becomes complete and valid only when all of the items listed below are delivered. Ideally, all materials will be submitted at the same time.
The applicant’s completed packet must be postmarked or uploaded to the AMVA website no later than the first of April of the student's year of graduation
Applicants will be rated in the following categories: GPA, Essay, Academic Awards and Community Service, JROTC Program involvement and if a child/grandchild of Veteran .
Click here to fill out the application form.
You must have a Gmail account to complete the application. If you do not have one you will be prompted to create one.